Global Journal Impact Factor 2014 SJIF 2012 = 3.46


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International journal of Advanced Pharmaceutics is a bi-annual international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in the field of Biopharmaceutical Research on the basis of its originality, importance, disciplinary interest, elegance, surprising discussions and conclusions and serve as a means for scientific information exchange in the international pharmaceutical forum.
The international standard serial number (ISSN) for International Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutics is 2249 - 7706.
International Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutics publishes original research papers, critical reviews and communications on the latest developments in the pharmaceutical sciences with strong emphasis on originality and scientific quality.
- Pharmaceutical researchers
- Formulation scientists
- Regulatory professionals
- Process chemists
- Analytical chemists
- Pharmacologists
- Pharmacognosist
- Pharmacist
International Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutics publishes manuscripts pertaining to the new research on how drug action may be optimized by new technologies, and attention is given to understanding and improving drug interactions in the body. At the same time, International Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutics maintains its established and well-respected core strengths in areas such as pharmaceutics and drug delivery, molecular and clinical pharmacology, biopharmaceutics and drug disposition, and drugs from natural sources. The primary criteria for acceptance and publication are scientific rigor and potential to advance the field. It is essential that authors prepare their manuscripts according to established specifications. The manuscripts should be checked carefully for grammatical errors. All papers are subjected to blind peer review.