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Vadnere Bhagyashri V
Shree Sureshdada Jain Institute of Pharmaeutical Education and Research, Jamner, Dist-Jalgoan - 424206
Jadhav Priyanka S
Shree Sureshdada Jain Institute of Pharmaeutical Education and Research, Jamner, Dist-Jalgoan - 424206
Bari Manoj M
Shree Sureshdada Jain Institute of Pharmaeutical Education and Research, Jamner, Dist-Jalgoan - 424206
Barhate S.D
Shree Sureshdada Jain Institute of Pharmaeutical Education and Research, Jamner, Dist-Jalgoan - 424206

Compritol 888 ,carbopol 934P ,RMG ,HMG ,

Megaloporous controlled release tablets of losartan potassium were prepared with two kinds of granules. One of them was the restraining –phase matrix granule (RMG), it control the release rate of the drug. Another is the soluble housing phase matrix granules (HMG) and controls liquid penetration into the system. Compritol 888 and carbopol 934P were used to constitute the restraining and housing matrix phase respectively. The prepared tablets were evaluated for various parameters. The megaloporous matrix tablets were characterized for the hardness, friability, swelling index, drug content uniformity and invitro drug release. In vitro drug release study was carried out in the distilled water by using USP type -II apparatus. The dissolution profile of ideal matrix formulation containing 30mg of compritol888 and 27mg of carbopol 934P was found to be comparable with reference product and theoretical release profile. The drug release from all fabricated product and reference product followed better higuchi model than the zero order and first order kinetic models. The above study shows hardness and drug release was depend on the concentration of the sodium starch glycolate. This study suggests that megaloporous tablets, which could be prepared with the simple and cheap way similarly to conventional tablet to obtain an immediate and constant drug release which mimic bilayer tablets.

4 , 1 , 2014

17 - 20

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